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HS Circular Indexing Table

Standard-Systems - 12.06.2024 4243 Views

Circular indexing table heat sealing system/Heat Sealing system with a three-position turntable: 1. Insert position or work station for operating personnel; 2. Heat sealing station 1, connecting foil conductor to PCB. 3. Connecting foil conductor to glass or LCD. There are two, precision-guided double heat seal heads with quick change over features to allow easy strip down during maintenance. High accuracy temperature regulation to suit the pulse heating technique. Pneumatic adjustment of the heat sealing head with respect to the product can be around 2,500N per heat sealing position. Each heater rail is semi-gimballed so that there is a uniform coplanar application of the heater rail onto the sealing face. There is automatic compensation for known imbalances of the product. Triple temperature monitoring of the heater rails, complex component holders, with vacuum holding of the foil conductor, LCD and PCB and with an integrated system for simple calculation of MFUs.

- with a three-position turntable - Double heat seal heads - Stand-Alone-System